Discriminatory Design: Examining Emerging Technologies in K-12 Education Monday, October 19, 2020 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 16:30 17:30 Google Calendar ICS Ariam MogosFuturist Fellow, K12 Lab NetworkHasso Plattner Institute of Design - d.schoolStanford UniversityOctober 19, 20204:30-5:30pm This colloquium talk will cover strategies, practices and hands-on activities to explore discriminatory technology design for k12 communities. Educators will be engaged in playful and impactful ways to address topics like race, gender and ability in the creation of emerging technologies with a social justice lens. Educators will also be provided with the tools to support students' reflection on the role of positionality, bias and power dynamics in developing equitable technologies, and how to reimagine technology from a pluralistic perspective. Participants will walk away with a facilitator resource that they can adapt for their own students and learning community.ARIAM MOGOS’ BIOAriam is a Pan-African constructivist educator passionate about computing, culture, play and liberation. She is currently a lecturer and futurist fellow at the Stanford d.school k12 lab, where she designs resources with k12 educators around how to engage, evaluate, and create with emerging technologies, grounded in ethics and digital agency. Prior to the d.school, she was the Learning Lead for UNICEF’s Office of Innovation, and has also led strategy, research and learning design for education technology initiatives of Asian Development Bank, the Kenyan government, the U. S. Department of State and Global Kids. She also runs the School of Intercultural Computing, a global initiative focused on racial literacy, intercultural competence, and relationship building in the field of k12 computer science education.