Tinkering with Tessellations Saturday, April 5, 2025 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 09:00 12:00 AIMS Center 1595 S Chestnut Ave Fresno United States (map) Google Calendar ICS How can you design your own Tessellation?Tessellations or tiling is when a surface is covered with a repetitive pattern without any gaps. Tessellation designs are an amazing collaboration involving the integration between art and mathematics. History is filled with many examples of tessellations found in tapestry, stonework, and inlay designs from around the world. In this playshop you will learn about tessellations, discover how to design your own, and then create a tessellation pattern to share with the other participants. Objectives:What is a Tessellation? Explore the integration between Art and Mathematics involving tessellations. Learn the steps involved in creating your own tessellation.Design, create, and share your very own tessellation with the other participants. DateSaturday, April 5, 20259:00am - 12:00 pmAIMS Center for Math and Science EducationRichard Thiessen Conference Center (WEC 114)1595 S. Chestnut Ave. Fresno, CA 93702Located on the main campus of Fresno Pacific University Playshop Registration In-person: FREESpace is Limited - Register Soon!Virtual: $20All materials will be sent directly to virtual participants prior to the PLAYshop. Deadline: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Download Flyer