New Inspiration June 24, 2020 by Paul Reimer We’re thrilled to unveil our new website, complete with a new logo for AIMS!Special thanks to Suzie and our friends at JSA in downtown Fresno for their creative vision and tireless efforts to bring to life a logo that represents the playful, constructive, and diverse ways we engage in mathematics and science. This logo represents our reaffirmed commitment to support educators in recognizing the humanity, dignity, and creativity of all learners.The current COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated immense barriers and inequities faced by Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in our schools and communities. Recent acts of violence against Black lives have brought issues of systemic racism to the forefront of community conversations. Young people in our schools are not immune to the effects of this system.In the midst of current challenges, educators face a significant opportunity to take action in interrupting racial inequities, amplifying voices and perspectives of Black students, and embracing humanizing pedagogies that empower students through relevant learning experiences. It is our mission at AIMS to equip teachers and students to use critical approaches in mathematics and science to better understand our world and take action in shaping a more equitable society.So what are we up to? We’re making plans to partner with local elementary schools to distribute STEAM learning kits to families in Fresno Unified School District. We’re also holding free monthly online learning sessions – called HANDS ONline – that support creative ways of using readily-available materials to make, create, play, and explore in mathematics and science. We’re continuing our partnerships with schools, non-profits, and learning programs to advance equitable pedagogies in STEM education. And we’re listening to and learning from our community as we determine ways we can take next steps.We invite you to join us in our mission to create a more equitable world through math and science education. 2020